Hello AAPSers!
I’m excited to announce some upcoming UNC AAPS events. On September 28 (next Thursday) at noon in Bondurant Hall Room G-030 (School of Medicine, on the left as soon as you walk in) we will be having our first speaker for AAPS. The speaker will be Dr. Nate Oien, PhD, from KBI BioPharma. We will be learning about CRO’s in general, KBI in specific and about Dr. Oien’s journey to and experience in the pharmaceutical industry. We hope you bring lots of questions so that we can have an interactive discussion about pharmaceutical sciences.
In October, we will be having a site visit at KBI BioPharma! The visit will be during Fall Break on Friday, October 20 (the time is still being finalized). This is an excellent opportunity for UNC AAPS members to learn about KBI BioPharma this month and be able to visit the site you learned about next month. We will be providing more details including details about carpooling at a later date.
REMINDER: Intent to run for official cabinet position is due this Thursday (9/21). I have received verbal intent, but no formal e-mail intent as of today. More information can be found at: https://aaps.web.unc.edu/leadership/. Also, you can find my intent to run for President on that page.
Thank you,
Maurice Horton, PharmD